
There are times when your organization needs to bring in a professional facilitator.  Perhaps your team is having trouble finding its focus, or you desperately need to break out of an entrenched dynamic that is holding you back, or maybe you need help with mapping out your strategy to meet a breakthrough goal.

I’ve planned and facilitated meetings, workshops, and retreats for many years and I have to say, it’s one of my favorite things to do.  We start by determining together what you really want to accomplish. And then, with fresh eyes, fresh ideas, and a fresh way of doing things, I help your team shake loose those stale perspectives, helping you to become more creative, more productive, and more connected to your organizational goals and what you love about your work.

Strategic Planning

Does even the mention of “strategic planning” make you want to throw yourself on a sharp stick or bang your head slowly on your desk?  Me too.

And because of the way it’s conventionally done, it’s no wonder. Energy draining, reductionist thinking, endless meetings in windowless rooms—what’s to love? And, too often, it all results in a document that gathers dust on a shelf. 

It doesn't have to be that way…

I believe that strategic planning comes alive when we fully engage not only our critical thinking, but also our whole hearts.  The processes and the results often change–sometimes dramatically–when we first engage with why we do the work we do and why it matters. Then, we move on to the how and the what.  Answering the "Why?" catalyzes investment from stakeholders, from staff, and ultimately, from customers and audiences.

My approach to strategic planning helps you and your team to connect to what gives meaning to your work, think critically about how best to do that work, and weave together financial and impact goals that enable you to stay connected to what really matters.

If plotting a strategic direction that truly matters strikes a resonant cord with you, let’s connect.  

Team Coaching

We all know what high functioning teams look like.  (Or maybe you don't!  Ouch!)  Both productive and positive, they meet their goals and do it with an infectious enthusiasm that affects not only team members, but also the staff around them.  And, unfortunately, we also have seen teams that never seem to come together, teams that burn out, and teams that become unproductive and miserable.  

Believe it or not, you and your team can create an atmosphere where high productivity and high positivity co-exist!  As a team coach, it's important to help you assess where you are as a team, set team goals for both productivity and positivity, support you and your team as you move toward those goals, and celebrate with you as you get to where you want to be!

Depending on your location and your needs, team coaching can take place face-to-face or through using technology to connect. I'll meet regularly with you and your team to spur, support, and sustain the organizational transformation you're looking for!